The California Narcotic Officers Association - Region 7 (CNOA) would like to thank you for becoming a Community Partner! Your generous support provides valuable funding for training, educational scholarships, and financial support to families of  Law Enforcement Officers killed in the line of duty. Without you, we could not accomplish our mission of Survivors Memorial Fund financial support, training and educational scholarships for the families of Law Enforcement professionals right here in the central valley! 

If you have any questions, please call (559) 469-2876 for more information. 

Thank You! 

Hero Package Benefits:

Exclusive Sponsorship - This means your business will be the only one in its business category to have a presence on our website for one year from date of donation.

Business logo and link on three training class campaigns -  This means your business logo and a link to your business will be placed on our email to over a thousand members! This could even be more due to sharing and forwarding of the announcement! 

Business Logo & Link on Main Page - This means your business logo and link to your business will be on our main web page for all to see when visiting our website! 

Individual/Organization/Business Donation Contact Info

Donation Opportunity Information

Suggested Amounts

Upon completion of your transaction, a receipt for your donation will be sent to your provided email address. If you have any other questions, please call (559) 469-2875 for more information.
The California Narcotic Officers’ Association- Region VII is a private membership association and does not condone the use, proliferation or commercial marketing of illegal federal or state-controlled narcotics, related substances and/or associated devices. Businesses deemed to be engaged in active support or business activities related to any type of illegal narcotics or paraphernalia, to include medical and/or recreational use marijuana, will not be allowed to advertise on this website. Payments made by businesses deemed to be outside of our website advertising requirements will be issued a full refund within 10 days of notification.
The California Narcotic Officers’ Association is a tax-exempt 501(c)(6) association with Federal Tax ID #: 23-7085962.
Any donation made to the California Narcotic Officers Association - Region VII “may be deductible as trade or business expenses if ordinary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer’s business”, however, we suggest that you contact your tax professional for guidance if necessary.
Thank you for your support!

Almost done, where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software